Wednesday 19 May 2010


Over all this year I feel I have learnt a vast amount in my photography studies, maturing and finding links and analysis easier. I have learnt to notice subtleness in images and the reasoning as to why they are effective. An image doesn't just have to be striking to the eye, subtle things like an object thats intruiging can make it too. To conclude the year and conclude my project , I have decided to select and range of my best images throughout the project. I've chosen five sets of images to nicely sumarise my coursework. The first set is that of the snow, and the second set is that of the night time images. The other three sets I have displayed below. I tried to relate them as best to my coursework theme as possible as well as showing striking images.



Tuesday 18 May 2010

Short Video

I created this short stop frame animation to show my main part of the exhibition.

Thursday 13 May 2010


To round off our coursework we decided to make our own exhibition based on the theme "Abandoned" where each member of the class had their own area within that. For example, Oscar was looking at the documentary side, documenting what we did as a group and his photos were mainly of us. My side is looking at the objects within the places we visited but as well as that in the exhibition I wanted to create a small installation, so the people visiting the exhibit had an insight and something physical to look at that represented what we saw. I based it around three images of different toilets from different places we went too. So to show the visitors how vile or shocking these places were i decided to re-create one. The toilet lid was to be opened by the person, upon looking in they would see subtle lighting into a small area with a toilet placed and lots of rubbish and newspaper lying around. To make it more interactive I placed my three images of the toilets in the background with some text for the person to read before opening the toilet seat up.

Night Time

I tried to move away from the abandoned theme but sort of keep it in mind with my photography, for example with this set of night photos, I tried to base it around the idea that some places may be very busy during the day with people visiting or doing different activities. However when night falls, the place can seem "abandoned" for various reasons. I tried to play around with lighting in the images and bring out the fact that the places were empty or deserted.
With the image of the swings, I simply used a flash gun at the side with a longer exposure to create the effect of the swings lit up.


Basing these images around the same idea as the night ones, however with a major contrast. Simply the fact that the snowy times kept people at home even during the day and not venturing out. I like the ice cream image, due to the irony of it. The other three have a sense of the abandoned photos to them, as they are very intruiging images, in one case they lead the eye or look at shape, simple but makes you think about it aswell.

Monday 10 May 2010

Andrew Moore Research

Following the tradition of contemporary ruin photography, Andrew Moore creates improbably lush and vibrant large-scale images of urban environments and architectures falling to ruin, in this case the crumbling cityscape of Detroit. These two particular shots I have chosen of his are similar to some of mine. Although his shots are in Detroit and mine from Bournemouth they still can have the same sense of effect.

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