Monday 19 October 2009


The gymnasium. A place where the kids once came to have fun and exercise. These images showing the complete opposite. In one you can see where kids have come and built a ramp in the gym to use it for there bikes and the other one of the basketball hoop blocked by broken chairs and tables. The greens and yellows work well to make these images interesting to look at.


Whilst visiting an abandoned school we came across this burnt out abandoned car, which had some good visuals to photograph. I feel the pictures work well as they are not to close up and have a further back detached look letting the image breathe. Also the contrast of the graffiti and the rusty colours are effective.


At the Abandoned school it appeared to provide some good canvases for people to graffiti and leave their mark whilst visiting it. I chose the images and put them together mainly because of the strong vibrant colours that come out in them. I like the contrast with the reds and then the clear blue sky, also the image is very sharp.

Who's Hand

Taken at night, these two photographs are from Homefield again. The same car you will see later on in the blog. From using my flash at night these images came out very sharp. The pictures create a great scale of intrigues due to the hand being in both of them, the shapes go nicely with this element to cause two effective photographs.

Monday 5 October 2009

Artist Analysis

The colour pallet in the image works well with a lighter area focusing on the three main people who are interacting in the picture then darker light where the isolated character is. There are complimentary colours, warm reds where the three people are and the colder colours where the person by himself is. From the image it looks like its set in past time, an older era. It's set in america from the sign of the shop and looks like it can relate to films.

Architectural Views of My Street

For the three architectural images of my street i had to choose one night picture and two normal ones. For the night image, I feel its effective as the light is the centre focus of the image but due to the aperture and shutter speed I used it created some nice shapes around the light.

Something and Nothing

For the theme something and nothing I went down to the end of my road where a house had been knocked down but nothing has been built there since, I hopped over the fence to find lots of rubble and different bits of rubbish, i then noticed the other side of the fence had intruiging black marks on the fence and in the image i have selected the yellow lines help to draw the eye in. I have posted the two images back to back as i feel it relates to the work of Stephen Gill in his project of photographing the back of billboards.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Street Portraits

For our task involving the street we live on, I had to select a set of three final images for each of the three themes given, however for the portraits i felt this set of five work better together. The two red tops hold the picture together. I asked each person to write on the piece of paper how they would describe the road. I think the most effective image is the one of the lady. I didnt know who she was but she told me her and her husband were painters, the lighting and the pose of the lady make the image. For the family member i chose my little brother, his take on the road was what most 14 year old boys would be, boring. After looking at the work of Gillian Wearing and her project called 'signs that say what you want them to say', this is what gave me the idea for my portraits.

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