Monday 28 September 2009

Fish Eye?

I decided that i wanted to do some experiments using a fish eye camera as i liked the different perspective from which the images are seen through the lens. The first thing that came to mind was photographing objects but through the fish eye lens it isolates them making it more visually pleasing.
I was at a freinds house and noticed these different intruiging objects around the house and decided this was the perfect chance to shoot with the fish eye.
From the four images i have selected i feel they have the same sort of pattern and reoccuring shape which is why i have postitioned them together like this. I feel the pictures are more atmospheric and present a different take to how they are viewed in their normal state.

Baby Task

We were given a toy baby by our teacher and were told to come back with a final image relating to some of the work we had already done. As i had done landscapes previously i decided to try and incorporate this theme. With the image i have chosen, i was going to remove the arm from the photo to make it look like the baby was standing on top of the pier, but i feel it adds a sense of humour to the picture and looks better with the arm still in the image. i like the sharpness of the baby and the intruiging light to the left of it.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Care Home

I wanted to continue with my documentary experiments and wanted to visit a few different places. I went to a care home and noticed that there were a lot of signs around the home to help the people who lived there. I feel the images I have selected have a colder feeling but really show the atmosphere of the place just through imagery.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Funeral Parlour

I decided to take up a few more documentary experiments based on people at the fringe of society. Most people have jobs, but these people have jobs you wouldn't really think about. They are interesting in a way and in this set which are from a funeral parlour I tried to show this through my imagery.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Your on CCTV

I chose this picture as i feel it relates to one of banksy's pictures of the cctv camera on the wall, with the caption "what you looking at".

I decided to carry on documenting the skateboarding theme and try come out with a few different images as the last set I did interested me to explore it further.

Thursday 10 September 2009


I wanted to do a few more experiments before deciding which path I was going to go down and to extend my range of images so i set myself a task and went down to the local skate park. I didnt pick out images that immediately looked really good, I tried to choose the more interesting images which were more composition based.


America proved to be favourable for documentary.

American Essence Continued...

American Essence..

I went on a trip to America during the summer and came back with a mixture of images. I chose this set of three which were all from the cruise home. On the night we left there was a long sunset, so as well as capturing this I tried to capture the essence of the ship.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Personal Account

At the start of the year I wasn’t quite sure what photography

was going to be like, what kind of challenges it was going to bring me or how I was going to cope with doing the subject as an a level. However a short way into the course my view of photography had completely changed. Before I started the course I had always enjoyed taking pictures but didn’t really know why. After a few months this became clear to me, as photography became something bigger in my life, I prioritised more time to it and took it more seriously.

         People always ask me when I say I do photography, “isn’t it just taking pictures?” and I think this is where I have come along in my photography and realised that its not just taking pictures, its often more to do with the concepts and ideas behind the photos, the groundwork done before to create such an effective photo or set of photos. However I think the strongest part of my photography would be the composition side of taking photos, which leads one of my interests being landscapes. An artist who I researched during my coursework and looked at as a group during the year was Ansell Adams. His pictures gave me the determination to visit many different locations to shoot in different conditions for my coursework.


“ At one with power of the American landscape, and renowned for the patient skill and timeless beauty of his work.”

An artist who has more recently inspired me would be the work of Slinkachu, in his project, ‘little people – a tiny street art project, little hand painted people left in London to fend for themselves. It involves him using miniature model train set characters, placing them in an everyday scenario or area and making them look life like through the eye of a camera lens. This appeals to me, as it is creative and fun to look out, I like it because it is both a street art installation project and a photography project. In some of my recent work I have tried to create my own sense of slinkachu’s work and tried to make it even more playful, I used small war hammer figures and in one instance photographed them in the foreground with a dog in the background, playing with the idea that they were fighting the dog where actually they were extremely small compared to the dog.

I feel my weaknesses in photography would mainly be the manipulating side of images, using adobe Photoshop, I feel that if I can just learn the basics of it then I will be able to develop my skills more on it by doing experiments and trying the different tools out. I also feel that my other weakness is that I need pushing with creativity, sometimes I struggle with a creative idea but once I am pushed in the right direction I then find it easier and can develop my idea more. I look at the photography course as a way of me being helped to improve my photography in a high enough standard which will hopefully enable me to carry it on further into the future, I also feel that it will give me the right knowledge and maturity to be able to go to university.

         My targets for next year would be to try and be more independent with my creativity, and try a lot more creative experiments whether they work out or not, also to read more and gain the knowledge to be able to talk about my photos in more depth.

Slinkachu Experiments


Break in



After researching Slinkachu and his work called "little people" i decided to do some experiments of my own looking at how i could create some images using the same idea as slinkachu. i used small figures and tried to photograph these in a normal environment making them look lifesize, a few images i tried to add a funny element into.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

A years knowledge




Swanage Grass


To start off my blog for A2 I decided to show a few images from some of my projects and work from AS level. So here are a few images that show what work I have done over the past year and hopefully how my photography has developed in that time. The candles were part of a documentary project I did at a local church looking at the scenes behind what just the public see. The one of swanage was part of my final piece for my exam looking manipulating landscapes in a creative way. Also the fashion shot was part of my fashion stop motion movies.


This blog is a new thing I'm trying in my a-level course as well as creating a sketch book i will use this blog as a way of presenting and showing the work i have done. 
I am going to try and limit myself in the text i use and simply let the photos do the talking and let people make their own analysis of the images, i will provide an insight into where the photos were taken and at some points ways in which i believe they relate to other photographers work.

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